Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Aston Villa boss Remi Garde casts fresh doubt over his future as he pleads for greater financial backing

Villa remain eight points from Premier League safety with only 13 matches remaining and Garde remains frustrated after signing no one in January 

Backing: Garde wants to be backed financially this summer

Remi Garde has cast fresh doubt over whether he will stay at Aston Villa next season if he is not given financial backing.
Villa remain eight points from Premier League safety with only 13 matches remaining and have won only three matches under the Frenchman since November.

The former Lyon boss was frustrated no players were signed in January and relegation now appears inevitable.

Speaking to French radio stadion RMC, Garde was asked if he was ready to continue at Villa if they went down.

He replied: “This will be discussed when we prepare for next season, that is at the end of the championship or even a little before.

“I am ready to stay at the club if there are the resources to get back up. Aston Villa is a very big club, very prestigious in England.

"Unfortunately, when you see it up close, there is a lot of work to do. But it is a project that could interest me if you give me the means, as was originally planned.”

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In the last window, Garde wanted strikers Seydou Doumbia and Wahbi Khazri but lost out to relegation rivals Newcastle and Sunderland respectively.

And Villa had a work permit application for goalkeeper Lovre Kalinic rejected.

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Garde added: “Obviously I targeted a few players who could strengthen us.

"It has not been possible for various reasons, from our situation not being very attractive for players to an
 American owner who has already lost a lot of money over the last five years. There is talk of £300million so it is not nothing.

"Today, I think he's someone who would rather rebuild a club, put back the working conditions in which the players brought in would be able to progress individually and collectively.

"He reckoned that this was not the case today and there is a lot of work to be done.”



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